Fungi Friends
Our forest is full of life from the tips of the trees to deep underneath the forest floor. And we aim to protect, nurture and celebrate the vast array of microorganisms that work together to sustain a healthy forest.
When my son comes to visit, we walk slowly through the trails looking for interesting mushrooms and fungi. He brings his favorite fungi book with him so we can try to identify them. Of course I never remember the names - I’m too caught up in the color and form!
Here are a few that grabbed my eye:
Isn’t this a cutie?
Luscious color and delicate folds… and no, I don’t remember what these are called. (let me know if you know)
Woolly Birds Nest Fungus
Aren’t these darling? Like little espresso cups sitting on a bar. They are each only about 1-2mm in diameter and apparently contain an egg-shaped structure inside that gets flung out when it rains - spewing pores to spread.
A rather amorphous looking blob, but such exquisite color:
And yes! This is a winner (can you guess what it is?):
Monotropa uniflora
Also known as Ghost Pipe or Indian Pipe which makes sense. This actually isn’t a fungi, but rather a parasitic perennial
How could I resist? This little group is purely from my imagination
‘Fungi Friends’ 12”H x 12”W