Preserving our forest


What better way to spend Earth Day than working in our forest!

I grew up around these trees, running through the forest barefoot with friends, crawling under huckleberry bushes to make camps, listening to bird song, chattering squirrels and trees sawing against each other in the wind, breathing in the rich forest loam, and laying down in thick moss. This forest and all of her woodland creatures deserve to be honored, and protected.

It breaks my heart that all of the other neighboring properties have been sold off, clear cut and developed. Cutting down even a single tree is something that I would never take lightly. And cutting down acres of them would go against all that I, and my family, believe in.

While working today amongst these majestic beings, I promised them that I will guard over them just as they have guarded over me. And yes, we hugged each other of course.