World Poetry Day
‘She Finds Reasons To Celebrate’
24”H x 12”
Donna Ashworth reminds us that it is World Poetry Day and all of us are poets!
So… my challenge to you (and what I do most mornings) is sit down and just let the words flow. Don’t worry if it feels a bit awkward (trust me it does for me too) or stilted (I read back on some of my posts and cringe a bit). The point is to allow the poet inside you to speak.
The Words You Use
Every word you use
holds power
to uplift
to send hope
to make this beautiful world
a better place
So choose your words
you can’t image
the power they have
Art and Words by Beverly Ash Gilbert
P.S. Donna Ashworth is my all time favorite poet and if you want to feel uplifted, just read her words and for a real treat, listen to her reading them!