Poetry Challenge Day 22: Footsteps


I didn’t mean to follow
In your footsteps
I meant to forge
My own glittering path
Full of travel
And rocket ships
And publications, presentations and patents

But color called to me
And a driving need
To create
I guess it was
In my blood
Just like the teacher in me
Who’s just like you

I remember
Pouring through color
And patterns with you
How you couldn’t wait to
To cut and piece
Or cast on
Or loop and stitch
And then your needles would dance
To the cadence of your voice
While sweaters and blankets
Grew out of your hands
Pooling in your lap

I remember watching you
Massage your swollen fingers
Each morning and night
So they could
Keep up with
Your passion

It’s my hands now
That can’t be still
They too are wrinkled
My little fingers bent
And knuckles stiff and aching
Now it’s me
Massaging my hands
Each morning and night
Just like you

I didn’t mean to follow
In your footsteps
I took a detour along the way
But I’m back now
And wish you were still here
To guide me