A New Beginning
A New Beginning
30"H x 24"W
Did you say goodbye to 2022 by creating 'Reasons to Celebrate' and 'Release Baggage' lists (post from yesterday)? Did you try burning your baggage list or composting it? I hope the process helps make you feel rejuvenated and full of possibility!
(The following is an excerpt from my newsletter)
A new year is an open canvas, full of hope and ideas and projects just waiting to happen - So let's welcome in 2023!
Make a 2023 Goals List:
Making a list at the beginning of the year focuses your attention on the big projects that are important to you and helps you avoid drowning in everyday tasks. This is a fabulous time-management skill that I’ll share sometime. For now, trust me - writing your big goals on a sheet of paper is one of the most powerful things you can do to set yourself up for success in 2023.
*Write down your 5 Biggest Goals*
Here are some ideas to get you started (don't forget to include both business and personal goals):
- Big project ideas (in your business)
- Personal goals and projects
- Household projects
- Hobbies to start
- Classes to take
- Trips you want to take
- A project or idea that is calling to you, but in the past you found reasons why you couldn't / shouldn't take the time to do it (this is the golden nugget idea - so don't leave it off your list!)
- Anything else that makes you feel excited about accomplishing this year
You may need to let yourself live with this list a bit, and massage it over the next few days.
Once it feels right, post it where you see it each morning and evening. Read it and visualize this time next year when you can write all of these as accomplishments in your 2023 Reasons to Celebrate list!
*Sum it up with a Word or Phrase for 2023*
Finally, if it’s your thing, zero in on a word or phrase that captures your overall vision for the new year. I find that when I do this, my goals and projects tend to align and I end up defining success in ways that feel more joyful!
Let me explain:
My word/phrase for 2023 is OPEN CANVAS
In a way this does refer to actual art canvases and paintings-yet-to-be-created, but in fact, it means oh so much more! It also applies in my personal life:
- Landscaping our new home: designing the hardscape, digging in the gardens (after we install our deer/rabbit fence!)
- Building an Art Studio addition (Woo Hoo!)
When I focus my attention on 'Open Canvas', then SUCCESS for me is the PROCESS (not the end result) - I can then celebrate clearing the land, designing the gardens, drawing up plans for my art studio, playing with paint and color on my canvas, trying new creative ideas. I'm setting myself up this year to focus on the Open Canvas and not become obsessed with whether the end result is perfect or other people like it.
You know you have the right word/phrase when saying it out loud makes you feel expansive, excited and ready to dive in!
(Yup, I've got the right one, because everything inside and out feels like an Open Canvas just waiting for me to dive in! I’m SO excited and will share progress with you throughout the year.)
What's your word / phrase for 2023?
Art and Words by @BeverlyAshGilbert