She Talks to The Moon

After four glorious weeks, my dear friend is flying off back to the other side of the world.

I'll miss deep conversations over coffee, giggles in the garden eating ice cream (if you don't eat dairy either, may I suggest Oatly ice cream made from oat milk - it's absolutely fabulous and I'll be right over with my spoon!), making puzzles until the light fades, watching chic flicks (with some Jason Bourne movies thrown in just for balance), inspiring each other with creative ideas and working on a possible collaboration (so excited - I'll share more later!), beach walks until bags and suitcases burst with shells, beach glass and other treasures, watching the moon rise over the water, working side-by-side in perfect harmony.

The month has flown by and I miss you already.

'She Talks to The Moon'
40"H x 30"W