Beware of scam online boutique stores!


Beware of scam online boutique stores!

You know those advertisements for really gorgeous clothing and scarves (for incredible prices) that show up all over the place?

If they seem too good to be true, THEY ARE! Please don't buy them!

I'm just one of many artists whose website photos are harvested by scam websites, used without permission, and sold to customers who think they are getting something beautiful... and end up with hideous, weirdly printed polyester pieces of fabric. Cost to return them to China is more than the price of the item... so everyone just tosses into the garbage and voila! That is how these scam companies rake in money.

The main culprit (of my work like the piece shown) is a Chinese company: CHICV International Holding Limited. However, they pose as different online boutiques under names like: 'Annie Cloth', 'Boho Lady' (the list of scam company names is a mile long).

Here is a huge red flag:

Pieces like mine pictured below are one-of-a-kind (usually made of the finest merino wool and yards of very high quality silk) and should cost in the $100 - $300 range. If you see them for $15 and oh gosh, buy two, get 50% off, then it is a scam!

If you find an obvious scam, please report it to the site you find it on, and if you can alert the artist also, then thank you!

(thank you for everyone who has been reaching out to me seeing my pieces show up again!)

p.s. and no, water-marking the images doesn't work... many of my water-marked pieces show up with my name all over them and doesn't stop these companies :(