Take a peek into our trailblazing!


My hubby transplanting a fern

Take a peek into our trailblazing!

Here are some fun facts:

  • Our 20-acre Gig Harbor forest has been in my family since 1965 and in Forest Management since the early 1980’s

  • Thanks to immense effort by my hubby over the last two years, it is now registered as a Stewardship Forest* with the USDAMost of our trails inside the forest are narrow walking paths

  • This outer trail is our ‘working path’ which is six feet wide to transport small tree and brush-clearing equipment

  • On this fairly easy terrain, we hand-clear (the six-foot wide trail) about 50 yards per hour

*Stewardship Forest:

We are committed to sustainably managing our forest with respect to wildlife habitat, carbon sequestration, human enjoyment, overall health of the forest, per a written forest management plan that meets all of the requirements of the USDA Forest Service.

PLEASE NOTE: The Ash Family Forest consists of a main trail which is open to our neighbors and the rest of the forest which is currently in Forest Restoration and is not open to the public. The trail shown here is in the Forest Restoration portion and only for use by the Ash Family Forest crew.