There's a reason I paint women with their arms in the air


Hello Colorful Friend,

How are you doing? No really, how are you doing? Layers of stress building up over the last few months, weeks, days – it’s no wonder we’re like dry tinder waiting to ignite. Or perhaps you just want to curl up into yourself and cry.

I get it – I've done both.

I’d like to share a simple, but powerful, exercise that helps me, and I hope will help you, tap into our body’s innate ability to heal – even in times of high stress. Here are some excerpts from my Seek Beauty • Create Joy™ online class:

Hold yourself in a position of strength

Scientific studies show that there are positive physiological and psychological effects of holding your body in a position of strength. Specifically, power-poses have been shown to boost testosterone (elevates confidence) and decrease cortisol (lowers stress hormone). Yes – there’s a reason I paint women with their arms in the air!

Here are a few power poses I do. Try out each one, hold for at least a minute, and see which makes you feel the best:

Wonder Woman – hands on your hips
Super Man – pump your fist(s) in the air (great time to shout out some self affirmations too!)
Celebrate Life – raise your arms upwards, above your head (go ahead and sway to the wind, or the music in your head if you like)
Peacock – Stick out your chest, fluff yourself up, make yourself bigger

Seek Beauty

Might I also recommend a 10-minute walk outside with your camera (phone cameras are great for this). Look for tiny details such as:

  • The way light shines through a leaf or a glass held up to the window

  • Different colors in a flower petal

  • The sky through branches (bonus points if you lie on your back under a tree!)

  • How grass looks to an ant

Create, Create, Create

Of course diving into your Creativity is a great way to boost your joy-hormones and I hope that you're able to spend time each day creating, even if just for 10-20 minutes. Hint: I always do my power pose first, to help me release tension and silence any negative self-talk – especially important on days when my energy is low.

There are so many ways to spark joy hormones, even during times of deep stress. We dive deep into all of this, and so much more, in my online class: Seek Beauty • Create Joy™. I hope you're able to join me when I open the classroom doors again in October because I really, truly believe that the lessons will help you find peace and joy no matter what life throws at you. Here's what a nurse in Seattle said after taking my class this spring:

"You have a gift for both writing – there is a calming rhythm to your words, and teaching – you say it in a way that makes it easy to understand. Thank you! Thank you! I’ve used your words and ideas for my patients struggling with anxiety about their illness. Your class has been very helpful for me through all of this. I feel better." – Jenny (a nurse in Seattle)

Did any of these simple exercises help you release tension?

Go ahead – draw on your body’s own strength. Allow it to do what it does best – fill you with joy-hormones and heal you.

I'd love to hear from you! Let me know if this helps you and which power pose gives you the most energy.

All my best to you,