Creating Joy-filled memories and beautiful meals


Creating Joy-filled memories

My son and his friend spontaneously moved in with us a month ago – one to escape a bad roommate situation and the other because his world fell apart (but that’s another story). And when I say spontaneously, I mean spontaneously – the decision was made on a Monday morning and by Monday night the boys’ worldly goods filled our hallways, entryway and spare rooms.

My husband and I dropped everything and moved into our beach house (yes, we are lucky to have that option) while the boys quarantined in our home. I’m embarrassed to admit, the house was kind of a disaster, and the rooms they were moving into were filled with stuff (since I’m admitting things, yes, it was mainly my stuff – stacks of empty canvases and nuno felt supplies). So, on our way out, we gave them carte blanche to redecorate their rooms. Voila – we came home to gorgeous showroom-worthy rooms with fresh paint, colorful artwork (they found my stash of paintings) and a house much cleaner than we left it. My son’s friend even scoured the depths of our refrigerator!

Making meals special every day

Of course, feeding a family of four is a bigger deal than simply whipping up left-overs for the two of us. And as an added challenge, the boys are vegan, with a plethora of food allergies. So I came up with one of my more brilliant ideas. I called everyone together and presented them with a proposal: What if each day someone in our household took charge of the kitchen, everything from menu planning to cooking and cleaning? The idea was a hit.

I admit I expected a lot of tofu scramble for dinner. What I didn’t expect is that the boys would create a 5-star restaurant with healthful, beautifully presented meals, complete with chalkboard menu and candlelight and after-dinner musical concerts! In fact, the boys are determined to outdo themselves and each other and I’m scrambling to keep up with their creativity.

Just to give you an idea, let me whet your appetite with the lunch shown above – my son not only created these delicious Vegan Bento bowls, but OMG the presentation – isn’t it gorgeous? That evening, we were treated to a stuffed vegan pizza for dinner.

The following night, his friend made coconut bay shrimp with pina colada dipping sauce and sides of garlic pasta, basmati rice and green salad with homemade raspberry vinaigrette. Here is the menu board.


And, my friend, this was just the first two days! (Need I mention the home-made falafel gyros in home-made pita bread with home-made vegan tzatziki sauce that our young friend made last night? I know, I know, I’m just being downright obnoxious now, aren’t I?)

I’m re-writing my story

I have to admit that sometimes, as parents, it’s challenging to relinquish control, to turn over projects into our children’s hands, and to step away completely, totally and lay off the unsolicited advice.

Perhaps because my son moved out and then back in, I grew up a bit. Before, would I have inserted my opinion into paint color choices? Would I have subtly hinted that the meal needs a bit more green veggies or protein? Or would I have stepped aside and let them demonstrate that they could make even better decisions without me? I don’t know.

But however, we got here, I’m thankful for the ups and downs and trials and burdens of this last year – they’ve brought us together under one roof and the result is so much sweeter because of all that we’ve been through.

I am also thankful that these two amazing young men are reminding us of the power and beauty of shared meals, how important special ambiance and long conversations around the dinner table are, and that these simple acts are what make life rich and beautiful. In fact, these two guys are a very hard act to follow and it’s my turn to watch and learn from them.

Someday, way too soon, they’ll move out again and it will just be me and my hubby rattling around in this big house. But you better believe that I’m going to include these memories in my story. And whether my table is full of people, or I’m by myself, I will continue the tradition. Even if, perhaps especially if, it’s just me, I’ll pull out special glasses, fill them with wine and water, light a candle, turn on soft music and savor the story of my day.

Find gifts for everyone on your list!

From artful puzzles to calendars, blankets to coffee mugs – there’s so much color to share!