If you wrote your own story, what words would you use?


Hello Colorful Friend,

Life is full of twists and turns and of events out of our control sometimes affecting us in profound ways. And of course, 2020 has tried everything in it’s power to upset us.

But we get to choose what we let in and how we react. We get to choose kindness and common courtesy over rudeness and insensitivity. We often forget about this power we have, and become weighed down, hunched over, with worries and lists and toxic interactions. We forget that we have the power to step aside and let toxicity roll off our shoulders, or at the very least, prevent it from knocking us to the ground.

We get to choose what words we use to fill our narrative

And the beauty is that we can choose words and actions that uplift and fill us with hope and love and joy!

The following video is an excerpt from my class Seek Beauty • Create Joy:

Join me tomorrow for the Joy-Filled Exercise: Write Your Own Story!

Head on over to my HUGE book sale!