My days seem normal... until you look closely


Hello Colorful Friend,

This has been a surreal summer, hasn't it? Tides going in and out to the rhythm of the moon, and the earth dancing around the sun... as if nothing has changed. But of course, everything has.

My days seem normal (until you look closely)

Filled with sunshine, home cooking, blackberry picking, beach walks, a plethora of wildlife including eagles (zoom into the photo above and you'll see one 'talking' to a crow), blue heron, seals and even an Orca whale... and long hours painting.

But strangely absent are all of the friends and art students I normally entertain in our Whidbey Island home. Gone are the spontaneous trips to restaurants, wineries and parks dotted up and down the island. My email and social media feeds spill over with doom and gloom. I have to admit that some days, isolation and our news-weary world, weigh me down like a heavy, dark cloak. And so, I've turned off the news (again), remembered that I'm good company for myself, and am focused on 'creating before I consume' every single day.

As always, surrounding myself with color lifts my mood and fills me with inspiration, so I celebrate the unfinished canvases lying against walls and tables, on the window seat and fireplace hearth. How can I not smile when color smiles back at me?

I'd love to hear from you – what makes you smile these days?

All my best to you! I hope you and your loved ones are safe,