Congratulations on taking the Color Goddess Quiz and discovering

the Creative Color Goddess inside you!

Before we dive in to what it means to be a Creative Color Goddess, let me introduce myself:

I’m Beverly Ash Gilbert, an artist, author and teacher  whose work inspires and uplifts women around the world. Throughout my classes, books, and artwork, I honor the fact that we all see and experience color differently.

Have you ever felt an emotional response to color? Perhaps you don’t know why you react the way you do, but when you’re surrounded by colors you love, you feel uplifted, calm, drawn in to the work of art, or the room. But walk into a space filled with colors you don’t like, and you feel uncomfortable, edgy, tense, anxious to move away. 

The emotional response to color is powerful

And the more I work with color, the more I realize it’s the combination of colors that draw us in, even more so than the individual colors themselves. I help women tap into the power of color harmony to transform their creative work and create personal spaces filled with colors that make them feel uplifted and joyful.

Understanding WHY you feel the way you do about color is the key in unlocking the beautiful Color Goddess inside you!

As a Creative Color Goddess, you are truly talented – an inspiring blend of brainiac and super Creative. A problem solver with flair! Your designs are unique and innovative and you love creating new ways of doing things, merging beauty and style with functionality and purpose. You thrive on challenges!

At times your high energy and mega-accomplishments can feel a bit intimidating to other people, and you might find yourself having to tamp down feelings of exasperation and impatience when other people don’t pick up things as easily as you do. In reality you lose patience with yourself more than anyone else – you have high expectations and when your projects don’t turn out the way you expect, you are easily frustrated and are tempted to quit without finishing. I get frustrated with myself too, so I know EXACTLY how you feel!

Fortunately, through years of experience, I am now able to embrace this creative block as the Magic Sauce moment and I can’t wait to show YOU how to use your creative block as the key to unleashing your own, unique creative voice!

You are a Color Goddess and your response to color is unique and beautiful

The most important thing to remember is that you’re already a color expert – a Color Goddess! You know what you like and what you don’t like and this means that that your response to color is already very sophisticated and is beautifully different from anyone else’s.

I can help give you tools to pull your compositions – whether they are home decor, paintings, outfits, fiber art, jewelry even floral design – from that ‘creative block’ phase into gorgeous final compositions that are not only more enjoyable for you to create, but will also resonate with other people and finally give you the accolades you deserve.

Because of course, it’s HOW you add color, and WHAT other bits of color you use with it that can take a composition from ho-hum to vibrant and successful. In fact, once you learn the magic sauce to color composition, you will feel confident using all of those gorgeous colors that you adore – and bonus: everyone else will love them too!

I’ve spent the past 20 years creating tools and classes to color-lovers from all over the world (just like you), work with color more joyfully and successfully. And I’d love to share what I know with you!

COMING SOON – an online class :

Create Color Magic

Tap into the power of color and unleash your creativity

YOU deserve a vibrant, colorful and creative life – I can’t wait to help you tap into the power of color and unleash the Creative Color Goddess inside you!

P.S. Did you resonate with more than one answer on the quiz? I get it - me too! That’s because there is a little bit of every Color Goddess in all of us! So go ahead and take it again and share with your family and friends so they too can connect with the Color Goddess in them: